Clean Energy

Iraeta Clean Energy Domain Introduction
With the growing demand for energy in countries all over the world and increasing focus on environmental protection, clean energy is gaining popularity, and is increasingly being applied. IRAETA provides high-quality forging solutions in the fields of wind power, nuclear power, hydroelectric power and other clean energy. The ring, shaft and cylinder forgings we produce strictly adhere to industry standards and the requirements of our customers. Our products maintain outstanding and stable long-term performance. Iraeta is now a renowned domestic forgings manufacturing enterprise.

Wind power forgings

Tower flanges, tower frames, forged rings for bearing ring gear, leaf blade flanges, small fan spindles. 

Nuclear power forgings

Nuclear power reactor support ring; Pump support forgings; Cock forgings; Compensator forgings; Bottom flange.

Hydroelectric Power

Top cover flange; Magnetic yoke disc; Annular plate.

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